1) crystal, perfectly; painfully clear
2) (cannot stand alone) clear about (are you clear about the situation?)
3) clear from (the answer is clear from these facts)
4) clear of (the roads were clear of snow; to keep clear of trouble)
5) clear to (the situation is clear to everyone)
6) clear that + clause (it was clear that they would not come; the teacher made it clear that discipline would be maintained)
uncoded language
in the clear (to send a message in the clear)
1) (D; tr.) ('to authorize'); ('to prepare') to clear for (to clear an article for export; our plane was cleared for takeoff; to clear a deck for action)
2) (D; tr.) ('to remove') to clear from (to clear the snow from the driveway)
3) (D; tr.) ('to free') to clear of (to clear a harbor of mines; to clear smb. of guilt; to clear land of trees)
4) (colloq.) (d; intr.) to clear out of ('to leave') (to clear out of town)
5) (d; tr.) ('to remove') to clear out of (to clear things out of a cupboard)
6) (D; tr.) ('to complete formalities for') to clear with (to clear a shipment with the authorities)
7) (H) ('to authorize') we were cleared to land